Re: openning notice

Sergei Romanenko (
Mon, 18 Jan 1999 22:44:20 +0300

attached mail follows:

How are you? I'm Kwang from Korea Advanced Institue of Science and
Technology. (We talked over email back in April 1996!)

I'm writing to you to see if you can help me circulate our job-openning
announcement among Russian scientists. We recently started a research
center and are looking for two research fellows. I would very much
appreciate it if you can circulate the enclosed job-openning notice among your
colleagues. Or, could you give me some pointers to relavant people
that I should contact with?

All the best,


Kwangkeun Yi

ROPAS: Research on Program Analysis System National Creative Research Initiative Center Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology

Our recently-started ROPAS center, which is generously supported by the National Creative Research Initiative Program of the Korea Ministry of Science and Technology, is actively looking for 2 research professors (Ph.D.) and research staffs of Ph.D.- or M.S.-level. Applicants should have background and interest in one or more of the following areas:

semantic-based program analyses program specification and proof computational logics and calculi compiler systems for HOT (higher-order, typed) programming languages compiler systems for conventional imperative languages programming language semantics programming environment and tools functional/object-oriented/logic programming

The center's flagship project is The LET Project: program analysis for generating smalL, safE, and smarT code , which focuses on HOT language compilers for generating codes that are as small as possible, can be checked against safety violation, and are self-optimizing. The center's research staffs will cooperate on compiler systems, programming language theories, and semantics-based static analysis.

- The appointment is initially for one to three years with a potential renewal for the next three years. - Salary is competitive, negotiable, and commensurate with experience. It ranges from 20K-50K USdollars/yr. - Air fares for relocation will be provided. - All financial supports for outstanding studies (e.g.,expenses for research travels and international collaborations) will be fully available. - The ROPAS center is expected to last for the next nine years contingent upon three three-year evaluations. - Some detailed information is available at

If you are interested, please direct inquiries and applications (resume, publication list, 3 reference letters, and research plan) to

Prof. Kwangkeun Yi +82.42.869.3536 (voice) +82.42.869.3510 (fax) Department of Computer Science Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology Taejon, KOREA

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- KAIST is widely accredited the Korea's most prestigious university for science and engineering. It has about 2500 undergraduate students, about 3000 graduate students, and about 400 faculty members. A general information about KAIST is available in its web page ( or the cover article of the Nature's July 1993 issue. We are located 140kms (90 miles) south of Seoul, inside a cozy Taeduk Science Town. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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