Re: Difficulties with the Refal System

Subject: Re: Difficulties with the Refal System
From: Arkady Klimov (
Date: Wed Feb 07 2001 - 11:47:50 MSK

Hi, Helmut,
I appreciate your interest in Refal as a language for transormation of XML documents.
I hope Alexandr Korlyukov will share with you much of his experience in this area.
I wish to just answer your questions on Refal6 (see below)

----- Original Message -----
From: Helmut Enck-Radana <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 3:47 AM
Subject: Difficulties with the Refal System

| Hello,
| on my search for a more suitable language (than XSL) for the transformation
| of XML documents I hit the Refal Web Site. I downloaded Refal-5 and did
| some tests. It seems as if the result of the built-in function XMLParse
| does not contain the XML attributes. Could please anyone who has experience
| with this function tell me, whether my observation is correct? Is there a
| possibility to get the attributes parsed into the result tree? I really
| need them, because I have to process real documents (not only data) where
| the attributes are used for the meta-information (for which attributes were
| meant originally). Is there a different XML parser for Refal available? To
| write the parser in Refal itself would probably lead to a not acceptable
| performance.
| I also tried to download Refal-6, but I'm always receiving error messages.
Did you recieve error messages when opening page or downloading or running?
In fact I also couldn't enter my Refal6 site from, so I suggest to try
(perhaps the problem is with the case of letter R)

| If the XML support in Refal-6 is more mature: is there an implementation
| available?
Infortunately, the answer is no. That is there is no specific XML support in Refal6 system.
Hence one must just write everything in Refal including parser.
Alexandr have experimented with Refal-written XML-parser in Refal5.
It is not that slow as one might anticipate.
(As far as I remember that parser also allowed for attributes).
Please, do not hesitate to ask questions, if any, I will help you with pleasure.

By the way, may be it looks as anti-advertisement here, but I use now myself the SML
for processing XML. If you wish, I could also share with you some of our tools
(nonvalidating parser, unparser).


| Any hints are appreciated. Thanks in advance.
| -- Helmut Enck-Radana

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