Subject: A Wikipedia page for Val Turchin!
From: Andrei Klimov (
Date: Tue Aug 02 2005 - 19:25:19 MSD
Äîáðûé äåíü!
Ôîðâàðäèðóþ ïèñüìî Ôðàíöèñà Õåéëèãåíà î ñîçäàííîé èì ñòðàíèöå Valentin Turchin â Wikipedia.
----- Original Message -----
From: Francis Heylighen
To: Valentin Turchin ; Cliff Joslyn
Cc: Ben Goertzel ; Arkady Klimov ; Andrei scp Klimov ; Dimitri Turchin at work ; Robert Glueck ; Principia Cybernetica Discussion
Sent: 02 Aug 2005 17:48
Subject: A Wikipedia page for Val Turchin!
As I thought he definitely deserved to be there, I quickly created a
page for Valentin Turchin in Wikipedia:
For those who don't know it (yet): Wikipedia is the largest existing
encyclopedia, which is being written collaboratively by anybody who
has anything to add. It is being used by more and more people as a
standard reference, especially about relatively new or unknown
entries that are difficult to find in traditional encyclopedias.
Since the essence of Wikipedia is that anybody can edit its pages, I
invite everybody to improve upon the text I have put there (which is
based on the text available in Principia Cybernetica, which was
largely written by Cliff a long time ago). We could also use some
additional entries in Wikipedia, such as one on metasystem transition
or on supercompilation (I'm glad to note that someone already made a
page on REFAL!).
--Francis Heylighen Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group Free University of Brussels
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