Subject: параллельный РЕФАЛ
From: Дмитрий Подкорытов (
Date: Tue Mar 30 2004 - 14:51:39 MSD
.... Позволю себе процитировать В.Ф. Турчина ...
>Vy absoljutno pravy naschet "estestvennogo parallelisma" Refala.
>(1) Parallel function calls,
>(2) Parallel use of sentences for matching,
>(3) Parallel subexpressions inside one pattern, e.g. (P1)(P2), as well as
>various orders of matching. Otmechu takzhe chto Refal daet estestvennuju
>meru slozhnosti: chislo shagov Refal mashiny kogda ona zagruzhena programmoj v "strict" Refale.
>Zdes' vremja vypolnenija odnogo shaga ne zavisit of razmera argumenta funkcii. V teoreticheskih
>rabotah obychno schitajut shagi mashiny Turinga, chto malo interesno dlja practiki, za isklucheniem
>predel'nykh sluchaev.
С Уважением Дм.Подкорытов
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