Subject: Turing Machine
From: korlyukov (
Date: Sat Mar 24 2001 - 13:33:46 MSK
В качестве побочного продукта занятий с суперкомпиляцией интерпретатора XSLT, написанного на рефале, у меня имелся интерпретатор машины Тьюринга, который был написан на XSLT.
В связи с этим, я отправил по адресу <>
письмо следующего содержания
Robert !
I also have the Turing machine in XSLT.
The stylesheet does use the xt:node-set instruction, thus, you should
use James Clark's XT to execute the stylesheet.
I do not use built-in XSLT functions of arithmetics, and also the
functions for working with lines of symbols.
Sequence of symbols of a tape I represent as a tree. At each level of
the tree there are one symbol and reference to other part of the tape.
The instructions for the Turing machine are similarly represented also.
Example 1. Replacement of each unit by two.
Example 2. Doubling of quantity of units on the tape. If, for example,
on the tape in the beginning there are 10 units, then in the end will be 20
Example 3. Check of structure of brackets. At the end of working in the
free square there will be T, if structure correct, and F - if wrong.
Example 4. Deleting of points between units. For example, if in the
beginning on the tape there were symbols ".11..1.1...", then in the end we
shall have "1111".
Example 5. Check of divisibility on 3. Similarly, it is possible to
make the program of check of divisibility on 9.
For more details, please see
Alexandr Korlyukov
The professor of the Grodno state university
email -
Содержание письма именно такое, потому что в период его подготовки появился конкурент, и мое письмо составлено как ответ на его письмо :
( )
Just for fun, I created a Turing Machine Markup Language (TMML).
It's an XML language for describing Turing machines.
I also created a TMML interpreter in XSLT. This XSLT
stylesheet, which is a Universal Turing Machine, executes
the Turing machine that is described in the TMML source
For more details, please see
Best regards,
<sig name = 'Bob Lyons'
title = 'E-Commerce Consultant'
company = 'Unidex, Inc.'
phone = '+1-732-975-9877'
email = ''
url = ''
product = 'XML Convert: transforms flat files to XML and vice versa' />
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