Fwd: (fwd) Lisp Survey

Subject: Fwd: (fwd) Lisp Survey
From: Sergei M. Abramov (at home) (abram@botik.ru)
Date: Tue Sep 26 2000 - 12:00:37 MSD

Dear Robert,
Dear Refalists,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Glueck <glueck@acm.org>
> To: Sergei Abramov <abram@botik.ru>
> Date: 17/09/2000 07:46
> Subject: (fwd) Lisp Survey
>Please forward to Refalists too. - Robert

Forwarded now (attached).

Best regards,


attached mail follows:

Please forward to Refalists too. - Robert

----- Original Message -----
From: "Liliana Avila" <avila@franz.com>
To: "Recipients" <avila@franz.com>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 7:07 AM
Subject: Lisp Survey

"The most reliable way to forecast the future is
to try to understand the present." John Naisbitt

Hello everyone,

ITTA Inc. (International Technology and Trade Associates), an
independent consulting firm, is conducting a research study on
the use and needs of Lisp in an effort to explore the potential of
Lisp programming and applications in numerous research and product
development fields.

   Please take a moment to complete their brief on-line survey
   located at http://www.itta.com/lisp.htm

The information garnered from this survey will be used to assist
ITTA in identifying both challenges and opportunities regarding
Lisp programming and innovative new applications.
A Copy of the survey results will be available upon request.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

This message is intended for Franz Inc.'s customers and others
who have expressed an interest in Lisp.

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